Test cards for network tokens

Last updated:February 17, 2025
Brand Scenario PAN Expiry
VISA MasterCard American Express
Tokenizing a valid card
  • 2 sec after tokenization, the token status becomes ACTIVE for payments
Any card xx/2031
Card not eligible error Any card xx/2032
Issuer not supported error Any card xx/2033
Tokenizing a valid card to test token lify cycle
  • 2 sec after tokenization, the token status becomes ACTIVE for payments
  • 2 sec later, the token status becomes SUSPENDED (for example, the card is being renewed)
  • 2 sec later, the token status becomes ACTIVE for payments
  • 2 sec later, the token status becomes DELETED (for example, the account has been closed)
Any card xx/2034
Tokenizing a valid card to test card updates
  • 2 sec after tokenization, new card data is received (last4, expiration date)
Any card xx/2035
Card cannot be tokenized error Any card xx/2036

Network Token Generation in UAT Environment

In the UAT environment, the token PAN is a randomly generated number that begins with a pre-defined token BIN, specific to each card scheme. The token BINs are as follows:
  • Mastercard: 512345
  • Visa: 462294
  • Amex: 371732
These tokens maintain the same length as the Full Primary Account Number (FPAN) and successfully pass the Luhn check, ensuring their validity. The token BINs are legitimate and recognized by the respective card schemes. Additionally, the cryptogram associated with these tokens is hardcoded to a fixed value, mirroring the format of a production cryptogram. This setup allows the tokens and cryptograms returned by the UAT environment to be utilized for simulating payment transactions within a controlled environment.

See also